
Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Immersion Assembly

Walt: using exciting language

Our school topic is Now That's Thinking. All of us found that at assembly and  how chrome books
Are changed from the first one and now. Everybody got to know what the others team are do in the school.

As I said our school topic was Now that thinking. Team one two and three are looking forward to make amazing kites. Team 5 is doing something about fixing and how to make that school so much better.

Our team is looking forward to how Maori people use their technology and how people use technology now.  
The movie was how the teacher went back through time and research to find a band new topic.  It was kind of like traveling through time.

I am hoping that we are learning how the Maori people build their houses and and beds. What I really really want to learn about is how the Maori people cook their food. I am so excited.

I think the the new term topic overall is a great year. Because everybody are do something different.

task description : We are try to make our stroy intrasting

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